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K Comes For A Visit

I first met K more than 3 years ago in a chat room. We became friends quickly, and it only grew from there. I often wanted to experience his uniquely delicate style of submission, but because of the distance between us, it always seemed like an impossible fantasy. When my wife suggested we invite him to visit us earlier this year, I was obviously excited.

It wasn't until we started talking about it seriously that I realized how risky it would be. If I meet someone local in a public restaurant, it's easy to walk away if I get a bad feeling; when someone shows up at the door with a suitcase, it's harder to back out. It was worse for K. Not only would he be totally dependent on us as our guest, but it would also be his first trip to Canada.

A video chat between the three of us helped considerably. I've met people who have turned out to be very different in person than they were in a chat window. Adding video and sound allowed me to see his personality, and judge his emotional maturity with ease. I also derived great pleasure every time I made him blush.

We talked at length about the trip before he came. We went over interests, boundaries, and rules like I would with anyone, but I also told him about the city, and what he'd need while he was here. I even talked about some of my plans if we played. Kink can be a catalyst for releasing stress, and it sometimes comes out in inconvenient ways. Although I would prefer to keep play plans a surprise, anything I could do to help him prepare mentally would make things go more smoothly later.

K took his own safety precautions. He gave my name and contact info to a close friend, and made arrangements to check in regularly. He even ran a tracking program on his cell phone, which I didn't find out about until I interviewed him for this post.

The last hurdle was scheduling and booking the trip, but once that was done, it wasn't long before we were picking K up from the bus depot. I was pretty nervous walking up to tap him on the shoulder, but once we had introduced ourselves, it was obvious that it would be a fun weekend.

We took him straight from the depot to our favourite sushi restaurant, where we treated him to all of our favourite dishes. We brought him to our home afterwards, made a pot of tea, and stayed up late chatting. The next next morning we went out to show him the city and a few local attractions. My favourite part was exploring the food court of a local Chinese mall.

In this first part of his visit, we never brought up kink. I had originally wanted to add some elements when he first arrived, but thankfully decided not to at the last minute. Without that pressure, we quickly became closer, and were able to build important mutual trust. Even if it didn't help, it was awfully nice to spend quality time with him as a friend.

As K became more comfortable around us, he started making small submissive gestures. Sometimes he would top up our tea cups, or go out of his way to open a door. At some point while sight seeing he started walking behind us, and would stay there even when I stopped suddenly to test him. When I asked him about it later, he seemed surprised, and denied doing it on purpose. Whatever the cause, it was cute and flattering, but it also made me feel safer taking the next step.

While walking back to the train station from the Chinese mall, I pointed out what he'd been doing, and told him that I enjoyed it. Then I changed suddenly from my relaxed playful tone to a serious one. "Do you feel comfortable with us?"

He nodded shyly and said that he did. Then I gave him his first order for the weekend. "When we get home, you will become submissive to us. Will you do that?"

He timidly agreed, nervousness and excitement both showing plainly.

We rode home quietly on the train, all of us anxious for what was coming next.

To be continued. . .


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