The moment K agreed to submit to us, the tone of his visit changed. Part of it was anticipation, but another part of it was me preparing mentally for what was coming. Even though we hadn't formally started playing, I was starting to change my expectations from him. When he stepped in front of me between the train station and our home, I felt a need to correct the behaviour.
I placed my hand on K's shoulder, and gently indicated for him to stop. Without saying a word, I stepped past him and continued walking. He quickly fell in line behind me, and we moved on. I wasn't angry and him, and he didn't feel chastened by the gesture, but he came out of the experience knowing what I wanted.
This kind of interaction was repeated many times throughout the weekend. I don't enjoying laying out detailed rules with complicated punishments. By making little corrections while spending time together, he was free to show his true personality while still learning my expectations.
K showered before we started. When he finished, he placed all his possessions in a box by the front door, and waited quietly as he was instructed. I walked over to find him wrapped up in his towel, looking downward, with a terrified look in his eyes.
He was feeling self conscious, so I moved slowly. I had him stand, then I took a firm hold of the towel and yanked it away, tossing it to the floor. He tried to cover himself, but I took his arms and held them back, keeping him exposed. I held him like this until he calmed down a bit, letting him see my genuine excitement.
I lead him naked into the living room for my usual first-play routine. I bound his hands behind his back and gagged him. I sat him sitting like that on the floor while my wife and I chatted casually. Occasionally one of us would touch him, or poke him, or pinch him, but for the most part we left him to stew.
There are a lot of advantages to this combination for a first session. The arm restraints force the sub to be exposed. The gag takes away the ability (as well as the desire) to complain. The occasional touching gives us a chance get the sub used to being handled, as well as helping us learn their reactions. By chatting casually, and for at least a couple hours, the position starts to seem normal for everyone.
After a few hours of this, we started getting hungry, so my wife heated up some steam buns. I took the gag off of K, and set his bun on a small saucer on the floor in front of him. It took a moment, but when he realized that I wasn't going to undo his arms, he got the cutest embarrassed look on his face. It took him a while, but eventually he knelt down and tried to eat. It was disastrously graceless, but a real treat to watch.
He stayed on the floor for the rest of the night while we ate more food and watched a couple movies. Spending time hanging out with him naked and on the floor was how we spent most of the weekend. I could have spent that time doing more elaborate physical play, but I got so much pleasure from those simple interactions that I didn't feel the need.
There was some physical play though.
To be continued. . .
I placed my hand on K's shoulder, and gently indicated for him to stop. Without saying a word, I stepped past him and continued walking. He quickly fell in line behind me, and we moved on. I wasn't angry and him, and he didn't feel chastened by the gesture, but he came out of the experience knowing what I wanted.
This kind of interaction was repeated many times throughout the weekend. I don't enjoying laying out detailed rules with complicated punishments. By making little corrections while spending time together, he was free to show his true personality while still learning my expectations.
K showered before we started. When he finished, he placed all his possessions in a box by the front door, and waited quietly as he was instructed. I walked over to find him wrapped up in his towel, looking downward, with a terrified look in his eyes.
He was feeling self conscious, so I moved slowly. I had him stand, then I took a firm hold of the towel and yanked it away, tossing it to the floor. He tried to cover himself, but I took his arms and held them back, keeping him exposed. I held him like this until he calmed down a bit, letting him see my genuine excitement.
I lead him naked into the living room for my usual first-play routine. I bound his hands behind his back and gagged him. I sat him sitting like that on the floor while my wife and I chatted casually. Occasionally one of us would touch him, or poke him, or pinch him, but for the most part we left him to stew.
There are a lot of advantages to this combination for a first session. The arm restraints force the sub to be exposed. The gag takes away the ability (as well as the desire) to complain. The occasional touching gives us a chance get the sub used to being handled, as well as helping us learn their reactions. By chatting casually, and for at least a couple hours, the position starts to seem normal for everyone.
After a few hours of this, we started getting hungry, so my wife heated up some steam buns. I took the gag off of K, and set his bun on a small saucer on the floor in front of him. It took a moment, but when he realized that I wasn't going to undo his arms, he got the cutest embarrassed look on his face. It took him a while, but eventually he knelt down and tried to eat. It was disastrously graceless, but a real treat to watch.
He stayed on the floor for the rest of the night while we ate more food and watched a couple movies. Spending time hanging out with him naked and on the floor was how we spent most of the weekend. I could have spent that time doing more elaborate physical play, but I got so much pleasure from those simple interactions that I didn't feel the need.
There was some physical play though.
To be continued. . .
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