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Imagining an Average Day With a Slave

One question that I am commonly asked when I meet someone new is "how would you train me," or "what would an average day be like as your slave?"

Every sub is different, and so the way I want to push each one will also be different. I am often asked this question soon after meeting someone, which makes it especially difficult to answer.

Of course, there are some things that remain constant: I want any slave to be kept naked in our home, locked in chastity, and off the furniture. Anyone that lives with us would need to be happy being treated like a pet rather than a part of the relationship. An interest in domestic service would be nice too.

Though there is a lot that could be added, and some that could be taken away, when we do find a slave, an average day could be very much like this:

An electric lock releases the cage door early in the morning. He crawls carefully out of the cage beneath our bed and makes his way quietly toward the kitchen. He puts away the dishes that have dried over night, and begins preparing for the day.
We emerge later to find the radio on, and fresh coffee waiting at the table. Breakfast is finishing just as we sit down, so we won't have to wait long. While we listen to the radio and enjoy our meal, he is packing our lunches and feeding the cats.
Once I've finished eating, I call him over. I grab his hair and push him down between my legs while still sipping my coffee. I joke about staying quiet so I can hear the radio, but neither of us paying attention to it. When I'm satisfied, I give him permission to have his breakfast and prepare for work.
He sets his plate of food on the kitchen floor of the kitchen, then gets down on his knees to eat. The food has gotten cold since it was made, but he's still happy for it. I watch him eat for a minute before going to take my morning shower.
A short time later, all three of us assemble by the front door. We are all fully dressed with lunches in hand, ready to face the day. I kiss my wife, pet the slave, and then we all set off for our respective jobs.

We don't always get home at the same time each day. Perhaps this day he arrives first. When he does, he strips at the door, waiting on hands and knees until he has let go of work and returned to the proper head-space. He gets up, puts his clothes away neatly, and begins his chores for the afternoon.
I come home soon after. He stops what he's doing as soon as he safely can, and comes to the door. He gets down on his hands and knees and waits for instructions. I take off my coat and shoes, set my bag on the floor, and walk down the hall to change into something more comfortable.
When I return, he hasn't moved from his position. I praise him for his obedience, and tell him to resume his chores. He gets back to work while I head to the kitchen to start dinner.
The evenings could be anything, depending on our mood. We could pull out a board game, or take off the chastity belt and edge him for a while. Some quality BDSM time could be fun too. This time we choose to watch a movie at home.
My wife and I curl up on the couch, and he sits on the floor beside us. He might be gagged, or plugged, or have his arms bound behind him. If nothing else, he is sitting naked on the floor.
As the movie plays, we might mindlessly stroke his hair, or toy with his nipples. If it's a chilly night, we might even let him use the end of our blanket.
When it finishes, we all prepare for bed. He is put away, and we curl up comfortable under our blankets. We all say goodnight to each other, then take our rest before starting it all again tomorrow.

For another sub, we might have more pet time than chore time. The blow job is optional. If he was a student, he could be studying while we watch our movie. It all depends.

There would be a shift in power, and a focus on our pleasure over his, but otherwise it would be a pretty normal life. We would still eat, go to work, live our lives, and try to enjoy ourselves when we can. Our pet human would help with our comfort and entertainment, and we would give him safety and the control that he desires. The most important part is that we all go to sleep each night with a smile on our faces.


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