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The Giant Roll of Plastic Wrap

Eight years ago, my wife and I were shopping in a bulk discount grocery store. I noticed a giant roll of plastic wrap for a few dollars, and immediately thought about how I might use it for kink. My wife knew what I was thinking before I said anything, so I put it in the cart and we carried on.

A few days later, my wife wrapped me in plastic from my chest to my toes and laid me down in bed. I wasn't mummified for long, but there was a little teasing before she cut me free. The box of wrap went into the pantry soon after. We never used it for kink again.

A few months later, we started using it to wrap food. It seemed a little strange at first, but it quickly became normal.

A few years later, we had barely put a dent in our supply. We had a bunch of things to put into storage at the time, so we starting using it to wrap anything that was sensitive to moisture. This used a lot, but the box remained inexhausted.

Recently I was asked by a friend what I could do to him with a box of plastic wrap. Not having thought about it before, I was surprised by the number of ideas that came to mind:

  • Mummify him with his arms at his sides, laying on the floor.
  • Mummify him in some awkward position, or around some piece of furniture.
  • Roll the plastic wrap into an anal plug.
  • Twist and knot it into a ball gag that can be tied off behind the head.
  • Wrap it around his balls as a stretcher.
  • Wrap the arms and legs in bent positions, to keep him on the floor.
  • Hold a single sheet over his face for breath play.

A few days later, I used the last few inches of the giant box of plastic wrap to cover a bowl of soup. I had just discovered a new respect for it's kinky potential, and then it was gone.

I might buy another the next time I'm at the store.


  1. That is something i have never experienced Sir. Breath play, yes. But not plastic wrap. You have a creative spirit for sure. :)


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