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Incidental Orgasms

We were laying in bed, about to go to sleep. I was tired, but I also wanted an orgasm. The terms of our new deal were pretty clear, but it had only been about a month, so I felt uncertain demanding sex out of the blue. As equals, there would have been foreplay, and both of us working to make each other happy. I was far too tired for any of that, but I didn't want to sneak off to the other room to masturbate either. I decided to take a chance. I just rolled onto my back and told her to start fucking me.

Influence is this invisible capacity we all have to make someone else do something. Understanding the amount of influence we have with each submissive is a crucial part of domination. Every time we use our influence, if we are successful, we get more. The more we have, the more we can make a submissive do. But any time we fail, it gets weakened.

This force is the most delicate at the beginning of any kinky relationship. It's hard to know how much we have, and any failure can cause a major setback. What surprised me, was even after all our years of marriage, I felt just as uncertain pushing my wife as I would have any new sub.

It could have been a train wreck, but it wasn't. She didn't even hesitate before complying.

She had just agreed to accept orgasm control, but I wasn't sure how I was going to manage it. I don't care to be asked for permission in the middle of things, and I hate elaborate schemes with numbers or dice, so I went with a totally different system. "I'm going to fuck you until I get off. If you're able to get off, go ahead, but I'm not going to wait for you to finish."

I don't think it's a common approach, but I really enjoy this incidental style of orgasm control. I'm not deciding, but it's not left entirely to chance either. She only gets orgasms as a coincidence of activities that I want to encourage. I won't let her offer or ask to be used, it has to be initiated by me. The more I am interested in her, the more times that I use her, the more likely she is to get off.

It also sets a very clear tone: My pleasure is the only reason we have sex at all.

She is able to get off around half the time I fuck her. Since I sometimes fuck her in the mouth, or masturbate when she's unavailable, I'm having many more orgasms than she is. This causes her some frustration, but I find that quite amusing. I especially enjoy how easily she can be worked up.

I wouldn't exactly say that she likes it, but I think she likes the control. I know she likes pleasing me, and is always proud to be used, even if she doesn't manage an orgasm for herself. I am certainly happy with the results.


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